Peliculas Online - Cine en Linea - Latino - Subtituladas - Castellano

Peliculas Online - Cine en Linea - Latino - Subtituladas - Castellano.

Abaddon's Pit

Titulo: Abaddon's Pit
Géneros: Drama / Ciencia ficción / Suspense
Año: 2024
Reparto: Jeff Ayars, Lawrence Trailer, Faith Kelly, Alyssa Talbot, Ben Bocko, Ellen Boscov, Amy Zubieta, Priya Shaw, Bernice Amelia Cross

Dave blames himself for the death of his wife Samara. He moves to the abandoned family farm to recover. There, he connects with his cousin Gareth. When they find a bottomless pit that changes everything that enters it, they become obsessed with its secrets.

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Abaddon's Pit

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